Quality self-check

This online self-check allows you to benchmark your guest house, B&B or cottage with the Eurogites minimum international quality assessment standards for rural tourism accommodations. The standard criteria are grouped in five parts representing the clusters – Equipment (19 criteria); Surroundings (9 criteria); Services at the accommodation and in surroundings (9 criteria); Intangible aspects such as personal attention, privacy, or ambience (7 criteria); Security (9 criteria).

Each part can be edited independently from the others. Each quality criteria item is numbered and there is a drop-down menu with assessment options or a check box. Before answering, read explanations of the questions and the required level of assessment: they will appear on the screen if you move the mouse over the question mark next to a check box or a drop-down list. For visual reference, click on the pictures – examples of compliance (on the green background) and incompliance (on the red background). Go through the set of criteria ticking check boxes or choosing items from the drop-down lists. When you are through with the list in one cluster, click “Save and continue” to go to the next part or “cancel” to return to the start page of the self-check (in this case, the data will not be saved). Once finished, you will receive the self-check report of compliance.

Once you are registered, your data are saved so that you can interrupt and restart the self-check, accessing the form with your individual password at your convenience. If you click on “Save test” during the process, you can return to the self-check form by “Go back editing”.

To go through the self-check:
The action has received EC funding
AES v0.7